Start Now.

So many things from tonight’s free November coaching call. But the one that really stuck out was the concept of starting now. Whatever it is that you are wanting to do. Go do it.

And if you don’t know what you want to do, what are you too afraid to admit you want to do?

It is fascinating how many things life will throw at you to keep you from doing whatever is most important to your heart and soul. There will be house projects and laundry and sick kids and family drama and money problems and broken garage doors. If you think that is ever going to end, you’re lying to yourself. That stuff just keeps coming.

But once you start and then consistently – persistently – keep doing your thing, it all just works. Or it doesn’t. But it may not have worked out anyway.

You spending an hour a day – or 15 minutes a day – writing or painting or starting a business or singing and tap dancing or whatever your thing is that is calling to you is not going to make or break the world. Except that it will be the change maker in your personal world.

The time you spend avoiding your passion/your calling/your dream ends up being wasted anyway. You watch Netflix for hours because you are frustrated and bored and you aren’t sure what to do about it. You eat chips or chocolate or pizza to help take your mind off it. You drink wine and talk to friends about how something is missing – there has to be more than this.

There is.

Start now. You have to promise yourself – and more importantly keep that promise – that you will do it. You were given a soul to take care of while you are here on earth. That soul doesn’t trust you, because you haven’t listened or kept your promises in the past.

Whatever your thing is. Start now.

It’s going to feel awkward and uncomfortable. That’s ok. We are all creatures of habit and everything new feels funny. Do it anyway.

15 minutes a day is nothing. You have probably scrolled Facebook or Instagram longer than that already today. But if you spend 15 minutes a day every day for a month, that’s 6 hours. What if you had spent 6 hours last month working on your thing? Start now.

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